TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Ferrari Club Toys for Tots Run 2009 (Tu's pics)
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Subject Ferrari Club Toys for Tots Run 2009 (Tu's pics)
Posted by Tu on December 08, 2009 at 12:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 970 times.
Message Thanks to Zweebach... Got to hook up with a local Ferrari group to participate in their 5th annual DFW Toy Run. It was a pretty cold Saturday morning... but we had close to 100 cars of various marques come out to support the good cause.

We started out at VICK AUTOSPORT in Ft. worth to meet up, sign the waiver, and get directions for the cruise. A co-pilot would of been nice to have as the route map was spread out over numerous pages with many direction and street changes.
The course was mapped out to give us a nice scenic pothole friendly route with hopefully not too much traffic.

After the fun part of the cruise... we all meet up again to get a police escort onto the Redmond Taylor Army Heliport. It was here that we got to add to the toy pile which help to benefit the children of the Texas Air Guard... 149th Battalion.
It was a good day for a good cause.

More pictures are loaded up here if you're interested.

Meeting up at Vicks... cars started filling both sides of the street.

This pic is Z related...

My favorite car from Saturday... a Ferrari 330 GTC ( iirc )

Lining up for the cruise.

Meeting up for our police escort onto the air base.

camera wars.... the toys for tots version.

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